The first RRREC Fest in The Valley was held in 2014. 
This year, RRREC Fest in The Valley returns for the 7th time

RRREC FEST IN THE VALLEY is a 3-day/2-night music and art festival that is set up as a weekend getaway in the natural surroundings of Tanakita Campground, Situgunung, Sukabumi, in West Java. This yearly festival is intended to provide a platform that can generate a meeting point and a place to share information among music festival goers, musicians, artists, activists, local residents, festival organizers, as well as cross-disciplinary public from all generations; all of whom will be camping, gathering, and venturing together for 3-days/2-nights at Tanakita, in a casual hang-out atmosphere that is intimate, warm, and cosy. We believe that fresh, audacious, and clever ideas are often conceived from the tradition of having laid-back, spontaneous, and natural meet-ups.

RRREC FEST IN THE VALLEY is intended to always stay small and intimate with a maximum capacity of 500 people. The festival offers a series of programs; such as music performances, artists’ residencies, workshops, talks, kids’ programs and film screenings. These programs are thoroughly put together by a team of curators of the festival.


The music program features a selection of music groups and musicians who are considered to have created exceptional works. The line-up includes inspiring names of eccentric musicians, newcomers, legends, and a few reliable music selectors, along with a panorama of experimental artists. The visual arts exhibition is specifically supported by a residency program to develop works that relate to the local environment and community. The talks sessions and workshops are hosted by practitioners and organizations active in distributing knowledge to the public, as well as introducing creators, initiators, and artists; to share their own experiences in their respective fields of practice. As for the film screening program, it will feature video works, short films, and feature-length films that will complement the fun atmosphere of the festival.


Ruang Usaha Kreatif (RUX) merupakan bagian dari strategi keberlangsungan gagasan dan finansial yang beroperasi berdasarkan ide kolaborasi interdisipliner dalam melakukan proyek-proyek seni seperti:pameran seni rupa, festival video dan musik, serta karya desain dan instalasi dengan menggunakan berbagai media, metode dan strategi. RUX secara terbuka mendukung kolaborator untuk bereksperimen dalam bentuk ide dan dialog; melalui kekuatan konseptualisasi, eksplorasi, kesadaran ruang, serta keterlibatan dan interaksi publik. RUX akan membuat ide anda terealisasi dan membawanya lebih jauh ke tingkat yang menarik dan unik.


  • Artistic Production
  • Artistic & Creative Consultation
  • Art Handling
  • Conceptual & Content Development
  • Event & Exhibition 
  • Installations Art 
  • Mural
  • Venue Rental



Tanakita 5 Star Camp is a beautiful and comfortable place to camp. A good start to exploring the forests, villages, and gardens around the camp and enjoying the tranquillity of nature in the National Park forest. The camp, which occupies a plot of land directly adjacent to the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP), is the perfect place for those of you who like to be in nature without forgetting the luxury of home.